If you go searching for fake handbags or NFL jerseys on-line you may get an early April Fools Day present. The Department of Homeland Security (“HS”) has designed and launched a website to educate consumers about all the troubles they may face if they buy “fakes”. The HS website is located at DESIGNSFAUXREAL.COM.

If HS seizes a website that sells counterfeit goods, the plan is to replace it with DESIGNSFAUXREAL.COM. There, consumers will learn the harsh realities of buying counterfeit goods. The website looks like someplace you would find the best of the best. However, the deeper you dig the more apparent it becomes that you are being played for a fool. For example, if you click on the “clothing” offer link it leads you to a special offer: “Free destroyed credit rating”. Banner ads across the top of the site’s homepage read, “Free Identity Theft with Every Purchase” and “Clearance on Your Bank Account”. When you attempt to complete your purchase the site indicates: “Really? Is this ring worth having to spend the next year and a half trying to fix the damages caused by identity theft?” The website was designed to scare, amuse and hopefully educate. Well done HS.

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